Codementum AI-ML Maker
Learn and Develop AI-ML applications!
AI-ML is everywhere and changing the world. Codementum will introduce your children to the world of AI-ML.
Starting from basic concepts, children will learn how to develop AI & ML applications in a simple and fun way.
Introduction The concept of -Artificial Intelligence- arouses curiosity at the first hearing on many people, whether parents, teachers, students or business people.
In the simplest terms, artificial intelligence (AI) refers to systems or machines that mimic human intelligence to perform tasks and can iteratively heal themselves based on the information they gather.
Artificial intelligence manifests itself in many forms. For example, Chatbots use artificial intelligence to understand customer problems faster and provide more efficient answers.
Smart assistants make use of AI for pulling critical information from large user-defined data sets in order to improve timing.
Recommendation systems can provide automatic recommendations for TV programs based on users' viewing habits.

Sample Projects
Bird or Fish
Face Detection
Tutorial Steps
Step 1
Design your application's user interface with drag and drop
Step 2
Examine the Flowchart for your application.
Step 3
Examine the Pseudocode.
Step 4
Begin coding by following the instructions.
Step 5
Start using your application instantly by scanning the QR code on the screen with your mobile phone.